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 Is your yard looking a little dull or need a pick me up? With A.L.C. Services we can give your lawn exactly what it needs with our many different seeding and chemical application choices! Call today and ask us how!

Tired of a Boring Lawn? We Can Help!

We Install Most Of Your Common Grasses
  • Bermuda

  • Fescue

  • Zoysia

If planting a large area, hydroseeding can be completed in a very short amount of time. It can be very effective and even help with erosion control and quick planting. Hydroseeding will typically cost less than planting with sod. Results are often quick with high germination rates producing grass growth in about a week and mowing maintenance around 3-4 weeks from date of application.

Seeds are spread over a large area using a cycolone spreader. Effective in large areas. Can be an alternative for hydroseeding or drilling.


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